Volunteer:- A Non Governmental Organisation established and registered in Uganda in 2013 to offer Comprehensive HIV/AIDS related Services to communities and individuals affected by the AIDS Epidemic in 10 Districts across Uganda


We have individual and group volunteer opportunities.

From relief distribution to families affected by AIDS Epidemic, fundraising events, HIV Counseling and testing, medical care, low cost houses construction, sports coaching, we have volunteer opportunities across all our programs and services all year-round.
Contact us for more info by sending an email to our Volunteer Manager at volunteers@redribbonfund.org
We acknowledge, we couldn’t do our work without the generous support of our volunteers and interns, who contribute thousands of hours and countless talents to Red Ribbon Fund. With opportunities in our multiple programs in Uganda, we’re likely to have a volunteer opportunity that fits your skills and schedule. Check out our list of open positions below, and please drop us an email at volunteers@redribbonfund.org indicating the opportunity in which you are interested.

Open Volunteer Positions

Red Ribbon Fund is currently recruiting volunteers for the following positions:

My Hands My Future Trainers

Our project My Hands My Future, is seeking for well talented and motivated livelihood skills trainers in the areas of Knitting, Baking, Tailoring, project product branding, sales and marketing, new product design and we would be happy to meet volunteers who can introduce new skills in our project. To apply, please drop us an email at volunteers@redribbonfund.org

Life Skills Sports Coaches

We’re currently accepting sports coaching volunteers in the areas of soccer, volleyball, netball, basketball, lawn tennis, badminton, available opportunities are all after school, holiday and weekend activity programs in various communities we work in. To apply, please drop us an email at volunteers@redribbonfund.org